Monday, 25 June 2012

Task 2 - Analysis of a short film

Craig Devine film - This is the life 

The short film itself seems to be an autobiography as the main characters name is similar to Craigs name. We also know from background information that this short film is representative of his own personal life. The narrative of the storyline tackles the idea of a family containing a mom a sister and a brother receiving there father home from prison. 

The short film is filmed in familiar settings to the characters and also to the audience . Such settings include a house and outside a school this is in keeping with conventions of a short film as they generally take place in familiar / normal settings for the characters and the audience in order for the audience to be able to relate to the film. The camera shots show that the film is set in a working-class area as the types of houses and the rubbish outside each house conveys the idea of how the working class stereotypically live. This is also implied by the characters costumes as the boy is in trainers with his school uniform signifying the idea that his mom can not afford to buy him the proper uniform , suggesting therefore they do not have a lot of money. This is also suggested by the boys uniform as it is scruffy and looks old creating the idea his background isn't one full of wealth as his presentation is poor. The theme of a working class family is also signified further by the lack of there father as the mother states he will be home today . This is stereotypical of working class families as they are known highly for living in lone parent families. The family is also indicated as working class through the use of their eating habits the low angle shot of them eating dinner on there laps in front of the TV indicate they are not of a middle class background as middle class people stereotypically eat at a table with the telly of and this family is doing the complete opposite. 

The camera shots are predominately hand held. This may have been done to add a sense of realism to the whole film as it is a documentary technique and is generally not seen highly in films. It becomes clear that there dad has been in prison when he is eating walkers crisps and claims he has missed them . Such a line hints at there father having been in prison as such food is generally not allowed in such circumstances , plus the mom also states that she thought it would be easier when he got home suggesting that where he has been is not a nice place as she has been struggling at home with her children.The edits used by Craig are predominately long edits this is used clearly to highlight the feel of the short film. As the film is only around five minutes long it is a short time to get the emotion and understanding into the time limit . Therefore by using longer edits Craig allows us as an audience to absorb the feel of the film and truly understand the moods involved within the whole production. 

The whole short film switches moods rapidly in such a short space of time for example in once scene the sister creates fun which is shown by the shopping trolley indicating a sense of recklessness as this has nothing necessarily to do with the main plot line of the short film but it may have been added to balance the whole mood of the film itself so that the audience feel they have had an overall experience. 

In the scene where the dad and son drive the car together craig makes it clear that this is an important moment in the plot line as they are making up through this fun act . Therefore this fun , sweet scene has been added in order to highlight who the characters are and what they have been through. 

Craig devine has actually been clever with his camera angles. For example in the probation office at the end of the short film when the father is actually clarified as having gone to prison he uses an angle which allows just his face to be seen rather then the office. Therefore you do not always have to have the equipment and space to make a short film work as you are fully convinced this man is with a probation officer. 

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